Careers in China (中国)



作为致力于为瞬息万变的运动世界提供移动解决方案的行业领导者,普利司通应用技术并突破界限,以此来不断提高其性能,安全性和质量。 我们的业务建立在CSR承诺“我们的服务方式”和“优质服务社会”的使命的基础上,这促使我们为客户,社区和地球提供最好的服务。我们在业务开展的同时持续致力于减少碳足迹以为现代及子孙后代建立一个更长久、更健康的环境。

我们欢迎您与我们一起探索 BE BRIDGESTONE 的意义。


定义 自己的职业

我们的员工是我们当前和未来成功的关键。 他们不断寻求个人和职业发展,并为对安全,环境和社会做出真正贡献而感到自豪。

为您的职业生涯负责,踏上一段不断学习,获取实践经验和经历的旅程,并发现 BE BRIDGESTONE 意味着什么


为何选择 普利司通?

普利司通 中国

Do the work you love, and get every opportunity to move forwards – fast.

As the world's number one tyre brand, we offer more opportunities than anyone else. You can have confidence you’re in the safe hands of a global company with over 85 years in the game as a trusted, superior quality brand.




  • Rinell Clark – Fleet Service Technician, Invercargill

    I started as a Fleet Service Technician in Invercargill in September of 2017. I had been working for my previous employer for 15 years as a fleet serviceman before I came over to Bridgestone.  I really enjoy getting out and about and I love the variety of the work provided.  The team here are a really great bunch of guys and girls.
    We service some really important clients down here in Southland and I always feel very safe with the PPE and equipment Bridgestone have provided to me along with the quality products I have to work with.

  • Lynette Brightwell - Field Operations Assistant, Rotorua

    I love my job as no two days are ever the same. I started with Bridgestone in the Rotorua Retread factory.  I have been with Bridgestone for 27 years now. I progressed to be the Office Manager at the Old Taupo Road store. I then moved into the Field Operations role around 15 years ago and I love seeing people join the team from as young as 16 and progress through to management roles.
    My Bridgestone journey has seen me fill a great variety of roles – this is why my current role suits me so well. I get to travel around the central mid island area and visit many different sized stores to train teams and help ensure consistency across our branches.

  • Lyronne Nadas – Wholesale Manager, Auckland

    I realised that there were opportunities with Bridgestone and an ability to grow in the Company.
    I was studying financial management in South Africa and made the move to New Zealand. I got a job as a Tyre Technician at the Airport store and progressed to the Support Manager role in Newmarket and later became Store Manager there. A position in the wholesale arm became available and I was promoted into that role. All this happened in just over two years!
    I love it here in New Zealand – I have no regrets about moving to New Zealand and my wife loves it here too.

  • David Jenkins - Supply Coordinator, Logistics

    I look at opportunities, seize them and make them mine – there is always something coming up.
    I started off in Tony’s Tyre Service in 2010 as a tyre tech and rapidly progressed through a number of store-based roles, from Tyre Tech through to Branch Manager, until I wanted to get into a more corporate scene in the National Support Office in Ellerslie. Logistics has been great for me because I love working on spreadsheets and trying to figure out where the New Zealand bound tyres are located.
    This Company is very supportive - it is the longest I have ever worked for a single employer anywhere!





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